Friday 9 January 2015

A doctor, a teacher and a lawyer walk into a bar...

The title is slightly misleading, because it brings forward the assumption that there's going to be a punchline. There isn't. Sorry...

I think I was in GEMP I when I just so happened to overhear a conversation amongst some people in my class. I have no idea who they were. The conversation went a little something like this...

"I can't believe she's studying to be a teacher."
"Yeah, that's so lame. What a waste of time."
"Totes (okay, maybe they didn't say totes, but I just wanted to convey the tone of the conversation...). She's clearly not as clever as we all are."
"Yeah, we're so much better than people who aren't becoming doctors."

I know it was a little rude of me to have interjected their highly intelligent conversation, but I felt I had to. I simply turned to them and reminded them, politely, that were it not for teachers they would not be in medical school in the first place.

This brings me to the point I want to make. See, not everyone can become doctors, or lawyers, or teachers for that matter. It's easy to forget that we all have our separate roles to play in the big screenplay that is life (deep, hey?). It is in no way our place to judge.

I think that the important thing is passion. Whether it be for science, for medicine, for law, for cake, for teaching or for sweeping streets - passion is what people need to look out for, not the profession itself.

This is a short post, but one of the most important pieces I will ever type. Never look down on any other profession, no matter what profession it is.

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